Ok so the average man on the street may not have a need for a briquette machine, but if you are someone in the building trade or that works with Wood at all, then if you havent already purchased yourself a briquette machine – then you are literally throwing money in the bin.
What is a Briquette Machine?
As I’m sure we call know, when you cut Wood: you get dust/shavings. And those shavings up until recently have been an inconvenience, a health hazard and generally a nuisance. Well, not any more. Now, they have become a source of income instead and its thanks to briquette machines. These machines take the dust and shavings and squash them down with lots and lots and lots of pressure, turning them into little “Puck” shaped briquettes.
Pretty cool, huh?
What are the Briquettes used for?
Well, they are Puck shaped so you could use them for hockey I suppose – but the intended use is as a fuel source. They replace wood or coal in log burners and fireplaces and are actually more efficient than regular products due to how the briquette making process work.

The briquette machines use so much force they basically squash any any all air and/or moisture out of the briquettes meaning they are SOLID. Due to this density, they burn for longer. Much longer. And hotter too.
They are easy to store, easy to use and cleaner/easier to store than coal and logs are. Its made a huge difference in our household and we use the log burner a lot more now due to how much easier the briquettes are to work with.
How much can I sell the Briquettes for?
This is a goods question, and to be honest there is no singular answer. I think it depends on where you are based and how easy they are to get in your area. If you find yourself with little or no competition you could get in the region of £30 for a 14kg sack of briquettes, but that may come down to as low as £15 in areas with more competition.
Ultimately though, they are made using waste materials so any revenue they bring in is a bonus.
Its also worth noting that if the briquettes are made out of certain types of wood then they may sell for a higher price. I saw some advertised that contained Cherry Wood as according to the person selling them it made the aroma from the fire sweet and fruity.
Where can I buy a Briquette Machine from?
As with anything nowadays, you can simply type into Google or eBay or probably even Amazon and buy yourself a briquette machine – but during my research I couldn’t help feel like there was a LOT of options and a LOT of variation from machine to machine.
So, if It was me personally I would speak to someone at a company such as International Woodworking Machines Ltd in Newark as they will be able to advise you on the machine that fits your requirements perfectly, as opposed to you buying something off your own back only to find its too small (or too big!) for your needs.
Oh yeah, this post is supposed to highlight the three main reasons why you need a briquette machine (if you make stuff out of wood and make lots of sawdust) so here they are.
- You no longer have to pay to dispose of your sawdust
- You can now sell your sawdust in the form of briquettes
- Making briquettes out of waste means trees dont have to be cut down for the sole purpose of making firewood. Eco Friendly, bayybee!
Jeez.. go and buy one already.